304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

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Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

Featured collection

The appearance of the featured collection #

Section title settings #

HeadingRichText: You can add a section title using the RichText editor. Learn more about this
Heading sizeLarge: This is the large text size of the section heading. Desktop size: 50px, Mobile Size: 30px
Medium (Default): This is the medium text size of the section heading. Desktop size: 40px, Mobile Size: 28px
Small: This is the medium text size of the section heading. Desktop size: 32px, Mobile Size: 25px
SubheadingThis is the section subtitle.
Heading alignmentLeft: Aligns the content to the left.
 Aligns the content to the right.
Center: Aligns the content to the center.

Product card #

Image ratioAdapt to image: Uses the aspect ratio of the collection images is cropped.
Portrait: uses a 2:3 cropping ratio to the images.
Square: uses a 1:1 cropping ratio to the images.
Landscape:  uses a 3:2 cropping ratio to the images.
Round the corners of the imageIf you enable it, the product image corners will be rounded.
Show second image on hoverDisplays the second product image if the customer hovers their cursor over the product image.
Show titleYou can display show/hide product titles for specific sections.
Show priceYou can display show/hide product prices for specific sections.
Show vendorYou can display show/hide product vendors for specific sections.
Show product ratingYou can display show/hide product ratings for specific sections.
Show badgesYou can display show/hide product badges for specific sections.
Badge position on desktop
You can change position follow the options,
– Top left (default)
– Top center
– Top right
– Bottom left
– Bottom center
– Bottom right

NOTE: Position is automatically optimized for mobile.
Enable quick shop buttonYou can enable/disable the quick shop button for the specific section
Quick shop style on desktopThere are 2 styles for the quick shop button. This only applies to a desktop device.
– Icon button
– Text button

NOTE: The icon button is always displayed for mobile.
Quick shop position on desktopYou can change position follow the options,
– Top left
– Top center
– Top right
– Bottom left
– Bottom center
– Bottom right
Show countdownYou can enable/disable countdown time.
IMPORTANT: You must need to configure a countdown metafield to display the countdown timer for a specific product. Learn more
Color scheme for countdownYou can change the color of the countdown timer.
Position the countdown on the image for desktopIf you enable it, the countdown timer will be positioned over the product image. By default, the countdown time will be displayed below the product image.

Grid settings #

Maximum products to showThe number of products to display from the collection. Range will be increased by 2. Minimum amount of 2 and maximum 50.
Number of columns on desktopYou can select a product column per row following the options (2, 3, 4). This only applies to a desktop device.
Number of columns on mobileYou can select a product column per row following the options (1, 2). This only applies to a mobile device.

Slide settings #

EnableYou can enable/disable the slider for this section. By default, slider mode is enabled.
Auto-rotate slidesA slide show can be set to play automatically.
Change slides everyDetermine how frequently to update slides. Minimum 1s and maximum 10s
Show navigationYou can hide/show slider navigation next/prev arrow button. You can go to the next/prev slide by clicking the next/prev buttons.
Hover background colorThis is the navigation button hover background color.
Hover text colorThis is the navigation button text hover color,

Button settings #

Enable “View all” button if collection has more products than shownA “View all” button appears and directs customers to the collection page if the collection contains more products than the Maximum products to show field allows.
Button labelLeave the label blank to hide the button.
Button typePrimary: Use a solid background button style
 Use outline button style
Button sizeYou can change the button size follow the options, (Large, medium, small)

Section padding settings #

Desktop: Padding topThe section’s top inner space height is determined. From 0 to 150 px, will be incremented by 5px. It will affect the desktop.
Desktop: Padding bottomThe section’s bottom inner space height is determined. From 0 to 150 px, will be incremented by 5px. It will affect the desktop.
Mobile: Padding topThe section’s top inner space height is determined. From 0 to 150 px, will be incremented by 5px. It will affect the mobile.
Mobile: Padding bottomThe section’s bottom inner space height is determined. From 0 to 150 px, will be incremented by 5px. It will affect the desktop.

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