304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

Announcement bar

The appearance of an announcement bar #

Section settings #

Show announcementYou can show/hide the announcement bar in your store.

Announcement block settings #

Show on home page onlyYou can show an announcement bar only for the home page. I will not be on the inner pages.
Hide on home page onlyYou can show an announcement bar for the inner pages. If you enabled it, the announcement bar will not show on the home page.
Color schemeYou can change the color of the announcement bar.
TextThis is the text for the announcement bar.
ImageYou can show an image in the announcement bar.
Enable close buttonThis is a button for closing the announcement from the browser. If you reload again your browser, the button will be displayed
LinkYou can add a link to the announcement bar.

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