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Change the copyright text at the footer

3 min read

The copyright text contains the copyright sign, the year of production, and the work’s author.

By default, the copyright wording contains the copyright sign, the current year, your business name, and a link to “Powered by Shopify”.

This article will provide step-by-step instructions for editing the copyright wording in the footer area.

Remove (or edit). Powered by Shopify, using Shopify admin #


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Themes.
  2. Find the theme that you want to edit, and then click  > Edit default theme content.
  3. In the Filter items search box, enter “powered“. This will bring up both the Powered by Shopify and Powered by Shopify HTML boxes.
  4. In the Powered by Shopify box, enter a single space. If your store is password-protected, then you can repeat this step for the Powered by Shopify HTML box, which appears on your store’s Opening Soon page.

5. Click Save.

Remove (or edit) Powered by Shopify using Edit code #


  1. In the Shopify admin, navigate to Online Shop> Themes > Actions > Edit code.
  2. Open the footer.liquid file from the Sections folder.
  3. To open the code search box, press Ctrl + F (Command + F). Search for powered_by_link.

4. Make the required modifications.

If you want to remove Powered by Shopify, delete the following code:

{{ powered_by_link }}

Make careful to eliminate anything between the opening and closing tags.

  • If you wish to modify the wording, delete the powered_by_link and replace it with the text you want to display, separated by”. Example:
{{ 'All rights reserved' }}

5. Click Save.

Congratulations once you have completed it! You have successfully deleted or altered the Powered by Shopify text in your footer.

How to edit the shop name text in the copyright #

You could wish to alter the wording instead of presenting the shop name by default, or you could change the link in the text. In that case, please follow the instructions below to make the necessary modifications.

Edit the shop’s name text. #


  • In the Shopify admin, navigate to Online shop > Themes > Actions > Edit code.
  • Open the footer.liquid file from the Sections folder.
  • To open the code search box, press Ctrl + F (Command + F). Search for The copyright code will then appear in the footer area.
<p class="footer__copyright">
  &copy; {{ 'now' | date: '%Y' }}, {{ | link_to: routes.root_url }}
  {{ powered_by_link }}

Replace ‘’ in the code with ‘the text you want to display’.

Example: ‘Mavon theme’

<p class="footer__copyright">
    &copy; {{ 'now' | date: '%Y' }},  <a class="link-underline " href="{{ routes.root_url }}">{{ 'Mavon theme' }}</a>
    {{ powered_by_link }}

5. Click Save to finish.

And this is what you got.

Change the URL for the shop name text. #

If you wish to provide an alternative link in the text to drive users to your selected webpage:


href="{{ routes.root_url }}"


href="The URL of a page" target="_blank"


<p class="footer__copyright">
   &copy; {{ 'now' | date: '%Y' }},  <a class="link-underline " href="">{{ 'Mavon theme' }}</a>
   {{ powered_by_link }}

Save the code, then reload your store and check the footer.

The content in the footer is now clickable, linking to your selected page.

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