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2 min read

Section settings #

Logo The logo for your store. It will show all the pages by default.
Home page logoThe logo is for the home page only. You can show a separate logo for the home page
Custom logo widthDimensions of the logo (in pixels). between 50px and 250px. 150 pixels is the default.
Desktop logo positionWhen a customer views the site on a large screen, such as a desktop computer, the logo appears in the header.

Middle left (Default): The logo is displayed inline with the main menu, centered vertically and to the left.
Top left: The logo is displayed above the main menu, and the logo and menu items are aligned to the left.
Top center: The logo is displayed above the main menu, and the logo and menu items are centered. And search button will be displayed to left
Middle center, drawer menu: The logo is displayed in the center of the header; the menu can be revealed by sliding in from the left and hiding the page behind it.
MenuThis is the main menu for your store.
Menu alignmentCenter: Aligns the menu item to the center.
Aligns the menu item to the left.
Aligns the menu item to the right.
Menu font weightDefault: If you select it, the menu font-weight will be changed based on the “Theme settings Typography” section
Bold: If you select it, the menu font-weight will be bold.
Enable sticky headerWhen the customer scrolls down the screen, the header is re-displayed. When the customer stays at the top of the page, it disappears.
Show cart iconDisplays the cart icon of the header. If you disable it, the cart icon will disappear from the header. Also, You cannot access the cart page or “mini-cart” page.
Show search iconDisplays the search icon of the header. If you disable it, the cart icon will disappear from the header.
Show user iconDisplays the user/account icon of the header. If you disable it, the user icon will disappear from the header. Also, you cannot access the account page from the header.
Color schemeYou can change color of the header.

Transparent Header #

Enable on homepageAllows for a transparent header on the homepage.
LogoYou can show a different logo for the transparent header. The logo is for the home page only.
Text colorYou can change the text color for the transparent header. It works only when the transparent header is enabled

Submenu Color Scheme #

Color schemeYou can change the color of the submenu/mega menu specifically.

Mobile Settings #

LogoYou can show a different logo for the mobile device.

Mega Menu Settings #

How to create a menu item #

Menu itemEnter the name of the menu item to which you want to add a mega menu. 

Promotion settings #

*** You have the option of uploading two images for two promotions. They all have the same settings:

ImageThis is a setting to display an image in the mega menu as a promotion.
Image ratioThe image ratio for the promotion is as follows:

Adapt to image(Default): The aspect ratio of the images is used. This prevents cropping of the images.
Square: Images are cropped to a 1:1 aspect ratio.
Portrait: Images are cropped to a 2:3 aspect ratio.
Landscape: Images are cropped to a  3:2 aspect ratio.
Wide: Images are cropped to a 16:9 aspect ratio.
Round the corners of the imageIf you enable it, the promotion image corners will be round. By default, enabled it.
HeadingA promotion title can be displayed. If you don’t want it to be displayed, simply clear the field.
TextA promotion text can be displayed. If you don’t want it to be displayed, simply clear the field.
LinkYou can add a link to a single promotion.

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